By Michelle Johnson
October 4, 2023
When hauling refrigerated (reefer) loads - the potential for a rejected load due to spoilage or other issues - is a real possibility on each load. There are items that drivers can check before they get loaded and leave the shipper that can reduce the chances of a spoiled or rejected load. These small items can save lots of time and money and avoid a cargo claim. Before the load is put onto the trailer check the following items: >is the reefer unit operating correctly? >are the fuel, oil & coolant at the appropriate level? >has the trailer been adequately pre-cooled? >is the reefer set according to the bills? >inspect the trailer itself to ensure the doors close properly and there are no holes or leaks in the trailer Daily tasks: >doing your daily walk around/inspection and reporting any issues to the shop/mechanic >checking the temperature on the bills matches what the trailer is set to >check the information received from dispatch matches the bills (trailer number, receiver's address, temperature, seal numbers) By getting in a routine and consistently performing these tasks, any potential issues will be easier to notice and prevent any potential delays, issues and insurance claims.