Distracted driving - we all see it on the road, everyone is distracted by their phones and all of the alerts and messages that come through on the device. However, when people are distracted by their phones while driving it can lead to catastrophic accidents. According to the website truckinginfo.com, distracted CMV drivers are 72% more likely to be involved in a 'near collision' than drivers who are not distracted by their device.
Many of the distracted drivers let safety slide in order to reply to a message or to look at their phone. The distracted drivers are often guilty of speeding, committing fundamental driving errors, swerving and tailgating as they are not paying attention to the road and conditions in front of them.
Over a year-long analysis period other conclusions were:
>distracted drivers are more than 2 times likely to be in a collision
>distracted drivers are almost 3 times more likely to roll through, or blow through a red light or stop sign
>distracted drivers are over 3 times as likely to be speeding at more than 10mph over the posted speed
>distracted drivers are more than 2 times as likely to swerve out of their lane
>distracted drivers fail to wear their seatbelt
Per the FMCSA drivers are to be wearing a headset (hands free device) any time they are using their phone. Although even talking on the phone can lead to a distraction. The fines for a driver not using a headset can be over $2,000!
At the end of the day the goal should be to arrive safely at the destination with no accidents, especially one that could have been completely avoided by not driving distracted.