All seasons have driving hazards, and summer is no exception. There are some different and unique challenges that come with summer driving including - extra people out and about, additional traffic, weather and road construction to name a few.
Summer is the season where numerous outdoor activities take place - therefore there are more pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcycles out on and near roadways. Whether in an urban setting or a rural setting - walkers, runners and bicyclists will be out in high numbers enjoying summer activities. This is a time when commercial motor vehicle drivers must pay close attention to those that are sharing the road and areas around the road with them. If a driver is new to the area they are in, they should ensure their GPS is reading the directions out loud, then the driver doesn't have to look at the screen in order to get their directions and can focus on the road.
Extra cars are also out during the summer on the road as they travel for vacation. There may also be farm equipment and motorcycles sharing the road. Drivers should constantly check their mirrors, create a large space around the truck, stay in one lane as much as possible, avoid quick lane changes and slow down even more in heavy traffic to maintain proper following distance.
The summer months also bring about quickly changing weather and hot temperatures. Drivers should ensure that they are monitoring the weather where they are in order to avoid or safely shelter in place should the need arise. If the area where the driver is located is experiencing excessive heat they should ensure that they are taking care of themselves and their equipment. Drivers should ensure they are not over exerting themselves and that they are drinking plenty of water! They should be checking over their equipment, especially the tires and reefer unit. If they are hauling a reefer load they should be checking that the reefer is keeping the proper temperature and that it is running properly.
Road construction - while it is always happening - there are even more projects during the summer months. If a driver is in a location with many road projects they may want to check alternate routes. If an alternate route is not available the driver should ensure they give themselves extra time to make the delivery and that they are following all of the directions in the work zones and leaving a large cushion around their vehicle for safety.
These are four of the main summer driving hazards - before heading out on any trip during the summer, take a couple of moments and think through these things. Drive safely!